Inside human evolution fossil remains
During the September's Gold Coast Skeptics in the Pub, Dr Renaud Joannes-Boyau (GARG, Southern Cross University) takes is on a fascinating 2 million year journey inside human evolution fossil remains.
From the first evolutionary biologists, to deciphering stress lines on ancient humanoid teeth, we hear an overview of what we know so far about our humanoid ancestors and the signals they've left behind.
Listen to Renaud's talk: click here; Q&A: click here
Slides: click here
About the speaker
Dr Renaud Joannes-Boyau
Senior Research Fellow, Geoarchaeology and Archaeometry Research Group (GARG), Southern Cross GeoScience Dr Renaud Joannes-Boyau's research focuses on the interaction between past human populations and their environment. You may remember Dr Joannes-Boyau from our 2018 Darwin Day Celebrations where he gave a fascinating talk on "the ever changing story of modern human evolution". Dr Joannes-Boyau's research focuses on the development and application of direct dating methods and micro-analytical techniques to key questions in archaeological sciences, such as the timing of human evolution and interaction with the surrounding environment (in particular hominids ecological niche, diet and early life history).
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Twitter: @GARG_SCU